Sunday 22 May 2016

Here’s What No One Tells You About Having Both Depression And Anxiety.

Anxiety and depression affect everyone differently — but dealing with both is extremely common. Nearly one-half of people diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Anxiety and depression are deeply personal, and although this list represents only one experience,  hope you find some solace in knowing others might be going through what you are.

1. It’s freaking out at the idea of getting anything less than a stellar score on a test, but not having the energy to study.
2. It’s having to stay in bed because you don’t have the will to move, but unraveling at the thought of what will happen if you miss school or work.
3. It’s feeling more tired the less you move, but your heart racing at the thought of taking the first step.
4. It’s getting more tightly wound the more mess piles up, but only staring at it and thinking, I’ll clean tomorrow.
5. It’s making six million to-do lists just to untangle your thoughts, but knowing you’ll never actually cross anything off.
6. It’s believing that every canceled plan will end your friendships, but not having it in you to follow through.
7. It’s feeling hopelessly low that you’re still goddamn single, but canceling every first date because the thought of going through with it gives you heart palpitations.
8. It’s fearing every day that your partner will get fed up and leave, but your anxiety whispering in your ear that they deserve better and should.
9. It’s ignoring texts and turning down invitations, and it’s aching when the texts and invitations stop.
10. It’s the constant fear of winding up alone, but accidentally isolating yourself because you sometimes just need to hide from it all.
11. It’s wanting nothing more than to crawl home and sleep at 2 p.m., but your skittering, panicked pulse keeping you awake at 2 a.m.
12. It’s alternating between feeling paralyzed in the present and scared shitless about the future.
13. It’s not enjoying the good days because you’re too gripped by the anxiety that the next low is around the corner.
14. It’s sleeping too much or not at all.
15. It’s needing a break from your racing thoughts, but not being able to climb out of the pit of yourself.
16. It’s needing to do everything, but wanting to do nothing at all.
17. It’s coping mechanisms and escapism, because when you’re not trying to hide from one part of your brain, you’re hiding from the other.
18. It’s wondering if the things that are making your heart feel heavy are things your anxious mind just made up.
19. It’s sitting awake at 3 a.m. worrying about a future you’re not even sure you want to have.
20. It’s feeling too much and nothing at all at the same time, which means feeling like you can never win.
If you are dealing with thoughts of suicide, you can speak to someone immediately here or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, which you can reach at 1-800-273-8255.
If you want to speak with someone anonymously, go here for additional help.

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Friday 20 May 2016


* What is Fear of Rejection?
The fear of rejection is an irrational fear that has you convinced that people won’t accept you for one or more reasons. Maybe you fear that they won’t accept your opinions, values, beliefs or behavior. No matter what it is, one thing is clear: This is a very debilitating fear that significantly influences your daily decisions and action. In fact, while under the influence of this fear you will do things differently than you normally would if you didn’t fear rejection. For this very reason, your fear of rejection is likely to impact your career prospects, your relationship prospects, as well as your everyday social interactions.
*The Consequences of Rejection
Living with the fear of rejection can be quite detrimental as it will influence and impact many aspects of your life. Let’s take a look at some of the consequences of this debilitating fear and how it can negatively influence your livelihood:
0 An Inability to Share Your Opinion
Fearing rejection often makes you feel as though you’re incapable or simply unable to express your own personal opinions about certain things because you fear that other people might disapprove. In fact, this can become so debilitating that you literally won’t do or say anything that goes against the grain of other people’s opinions even if you’re clearly of a different mind.
0 Excessively Copying Other People
The fear or rejection has such a strong hold over your life that you are afraid to be different — afraid to be uniquely yourself. As a result you end up copying how other people act, talk, and dress. You might even adopt other people’s values and beliefs, and as a result you begin to live this illusory life that has absolutely no basis in reality.
There is nothing wrong with modeling other people. You do it all the time. In fact, everybody does it all the time without conscious thought. However, there is a significant difference between modeling someone’s behavior to adopt it as your own, and copying someone behavior out of fear of rejection. Modeling comes from your intention to improve yourself and your livelihood. In such instances you are modeling other people’s behavior but staying true to who you are. You are modeling others to improve yourself. On the other hand, copying is something that you do out of fear. You essentially lose who you are in order to please other people.
0 Basing Your Emotions on Other People’s Feelings
Because you fear rejection, you are basing your emotions upon other people’s feelings, comments, criticism and/or praise. This implies that you have an external locus of control, which means that your entire livelihood, happiness and fulfillment is dependent on external factors. In this case it is based on what other people think and say about you. As a consequence your life is an emotional roller coaster ride. One day you’re feeling great, and the next day your emotions are spiraling out of control because of how others may have responded to your decisions or actions. You have essentially lost all sense of identity as you struggle for acceptance.
0 Excessive Neediness
You might not realize this, but your fear of rejection is coming across as a sense of neediness.
Since you don’t express your own opinion about life and circumstances, and since your sense of identity rests in other people’s hands, you tend to become very needy. You rely on other people to make you feel happy, you crave positive attention, and you find it extremely difficult to say no.
0 Getting Manipulated and Taken for Granted
Other people can sense that you are needy, and that you seek constant approval. As a result they will either manipulate you for their own purposes, or they will just literally take you for granted. Either way you lose.
People like to associate with others who are confident and who value their own personal worth. These are the kind of people that are rarely manipulated or taken for granted. They are the kind of people you should model and build your life upon.
0 Feelings of Guilt and Dissatisfaction
To live with the fear of rejection, is to live a life of extreme dissatisfaction and guilt. You’re never truly happy because happiness comes from within, and your happiness is built upon what others do, say or think about you. All this stems back to a lack of self-esteem, which is the area you should begin focusing on immediately.
*The Evolution of Rejection
You were not born with the fear of rejection. It’s not a natural part of the human psyche. There are in fact reasons why you fear rejection. Let’s look at some of them in a little detail:
0 Lacking Self-Esteem
The primary reason is often a lack of self-esteem. You fear rejection because you have a low value and opinion of yourself. This means that you look to others for cues to help you feel better about yourself, and as a result this leads to the fear of being rejected if for any reason they don’t approve of you.
Often low self-esteem stems back to childhood experience. Certain events might have taken place that made you doubt your own personal sense of worth. It could even have been one significant traumatic experience of rejection that changed everything. As a result you became insecure and lacked the necessary belief in yourself that would help you to create your own identity in this world.
0 Lacking Self-Confidence
A lack of self-confidence often stems from not having a sense of accomplishment. You don’t feel as though you have achieved anything of significance in this world. This might be a result of being stuck in a constricting comfort zone or might result from a plethora of other fears that are robbing you of your livelihood. As such you lack worldly experience, and this causes you to hesitate. And so as a result you look to others for cues of what you should or shouldn’t do in specific situations.
There is essentially nothing wrong with this, as long as your intention is to learn and grow from the experience to then later do things independently. However, if your intention is merely to win the approval and acceptance of these people, then the fear of rejection will have a significant impact on your life.
0 Lacking Social Skills
The fear of rejection can also be a result of a lack of social skills, which could stem from long periods of social isolation you experienced at a younger age.
If you don’t have the necessary social skills to make your way in the world, then you are likely to depend more on other people to give you the necessary cues that will help you figure things out. This is all well and good. In fact, this is an ideal way to learn more about the world and your social environment. However, it doesn’t work so well when your dependence on other people outweighs your desire for independence. As a result you don’t try and learn and grow from the experience, but rather rely on other people to dictate how you will feel from moment-to-moment.
0 Constantly Being Compared to Others
Fear of rejection can often stem from the fact that you were constantly compared to other people while growing up. This constant comparison has convinced you that you must now imitate other people’s behavior, values, beliefs, opinions and more in order to be accepted into their world.
You don’t feel as though you’re good enough, and you therefore have a need to be someone you’re not in order find acceptance and approval. As a result, you have a strong desire to meet people’s expectations of you, and this often leads to your reliance on other people’s opinions to help support your sense of self.
*Fear of Rejection Symptoms
It is very possible that you suffer from the fear or rejection without even knowing about it. Sometimes the fear of rejection is something that can creep up on you suddenly and it often hides behind the veil of the numerous excuses you tend to make on a daily basis about your life and circumstances. It’s time to uncover the veil and open yourself up to the fact that this fear is real and that it has a significant stranglehold over your life.
Have a read of the following symptoms of the fear of rejection and determine how many of them are currently manifesting in your life:
+You lack assertiveness when it comes to your social interactions.
+You lack courage to speak up and raise a different point of view.
+You lack a sense of personal identity.
+You are dissatisfied with life, but instead of vocalizing it openly, you tend to internalize this sadness and anger within.
+You’re consistently wearing different masks to please other people.
+You feel as though other people have some kind of superiority over you.
+You’re obsessed with acting and looking like other people.
+You’re extremely conscious of what other people think of you.
+You’re afraid to say no and express your opinion.
How many of these symptoms are prevalent in your life?
The more of these symptoms you just checked off your list, the more influence the fear of rejection has over your life, decisions and actions. And this is perfectly okay. Acknowledgement and acceptance is always the first step to change.
Now that you are consciously aware that this is an area of your life that needs improving, you can therefore take the necessary steps to rectify things for the better.
>Overcoming the Fear of Rejection
The fear of rejection is just like any other fear. And just like any other fear it can take some time for you to work through this fear and successfully overcome it. It will certainly take patience, hard work and dedication on your part. The journey will not be easy, because habits are not often easy to break. However, the rewards at the end of this journey will help you to gain your freedom and make your own independent way in this world without needing to rely on other people’s approval.

Thursday 19 May 2016

how to break the cycle of negative thoughts ?

Energy Development in Self-Healing To Break Negative Thinking:
       When you break your energy, you start to feel better, which wages excellent health. When you build positive energy, you remove negative thinking, which is the enemy that holds you back from success.
       We all need energy to keep us fit. This tames those negative thoughts. When our energy is decrepit, we struggle to get through the next day, let alone achieve our goals. The change affords us to blow up motivation in obtaining our goals. When we fail to make positive changes, often we find ourselves loitering around, becoming couch potatoes. Couch potatoes often gain weight, feel depressed, etc. In order to become successful in life we occasion zeal to feel exceptional, which comes from exercise, right nutrition and Pondering over positive.
       Learn to be a successful person by taking time to explore how writing, pensiveness, exercise, orthodox nutrition, etc can benefit you. Meditation is a form of relaxation that you can use anytime to encourage positive thinking. When the creature and mind is vital, it helps you to focus on what you need to do to justify good health.
       You occasion to feel good about yourself to accomplish success with life in general. Digging middle yourself with positive self-assurance-have a discussion with you can do things you did not think that is possible. Set about now to explore these negative energies and work toward readjusting your method so that you swell positive influences from new ideas that you can use to guide your life to self-faith healing.
        Reprogram your brain. Take a road trip drive back into your past to see what you come up with and use the conference to your advantage. Begin now to overcome your negative feelings by thinking positive. Set about by saying you can be the person you candidly want to be in the booked. You have many options to overcome the issues that hinder you from successfully curing your body and mind. Take time to explore these options.
        Start to reprogram your mind to be in the positive mode by setting goals. Set achievable goals that you can reach to restore useful energies. Qualify some of that unruly violence by learning how sporting, out-and-out* nutrition, etc can benefit you.
        Reaching your goals will require changes in how you perform daily activities. Create down your goals, second thought, recite and learn what world you need to make to live healthier. Make your goals come awake. Put actions behind your chart so that you guide your body and mind to self-unconventional medicine.
        Writing is a form of meditation because you will be focusing on making changes. As you spin out* to read your goals, you will be reprogramming your head to think positive and relieve the stress as you touch the goal itself.
When you focus on self-growth, inner strength healing and improving energy you start to see what you need to do to advance your health maintenance. Reprogram your mind so that you have a funny feeling better about you by information to think positive. Take time to learn the limited choice in meditation, moving relaxation, yoga, and the maneuvers that command to cooperation you around your relearning processes. Take accomplishment now to improve your life. irregularly when you start to feel discouraged and take a second look at your life. You have to take it one step at a time to make the steps come in union from one side to the other fall back and look at what you’re doing and how the disavowing arriere-pensee are trying to mess up your life. Falling back is a form of meditation as you reread your ideals and analyze what is causing you stress. You start to see negative thoughts and develop new ideas to reform your thinking.